Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

I was going to post the last bit of Confidentiality, but this takes precedence. This is one of the single, funniest things I have ever seen.

I'm posting it now, as it will be offline next week. Thanks to Gillsing for letting me know this.

This is Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Written by Joss Whedon and starring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillian, and Felicia Day. The last episode will air on Saturday.

It is frelling and frakking fantastic.

Behold: Dr. Horrible:



Anonymous said...

And do make sure you check out for Doctor Dreadful's YouTube Riposte!

Anonymous said...

Hee! I've been geeking out over Dr. Horrible since Wednesday... I'm still singing, "Brand New Day." :D

Here's to part III!

Anonymous said...

Ho ho ho, that Dr. Dreadful didn't appear so much as a sidekick as a would-be usurper! Who've ever heard of a doctor having another doctor as a sidekick? Oh well, apparently his application is "under review", so perhaps he'll have a future as a *test subject*. And perhaps *that* will turn him into a *proper* addled hunchback!

Apart from that it seems as if there's another singing doctor out there, by the name of Dr. Steel. Apparently he looks a lot like the Wonderflonium guard that Dr. Horrible *steals* from (teehee). That is, they are both bald and have a goatee, I guess. I was snared by one of Dr. Steel's Toy Soldiers, and checked out his site. And I must say that I prefer his music to Dr. Horrible's. Never liked musicals. But I like Whedon's jokes and his sci-fi and supernatural themes. And murderous rage! That's always fascinating.

And hey, thanks to the Captain Hammer link I've now learned what other webcomic readers already know: Dark Horse publishes free comics over at MySpace. So that's that "Sugarshock" thing I heard about on the Digital Strips podcast.

Jason Janicki said...

Oooh, I'll have to check out that Youtube link! Thanks!

Wow, Part III. Very Josh Whedon. Silly, funny, and a bit sad. Dr. Horrible got everything he wanted, except for the most important thing . . .

I will definately check out Dr. Steel and Dr. Dreadful as well! Thanks gillsing!