Friday, August 24, 2007

The Manly Art of Cleaning: Part 3

I have a small confession to make. I do not really know how to clean a bathroom. It was not one of my chores as a kid and as such, no one has ever instructed me in the proper methods.

I therefore rely on the following method:

1. Acquire some sort of wiping utensil. This can be a cloth, a sponge, a t-shirt, an old magazine, whatever.

2. Acquire some sort of cleansing agent. An actual cleanser probably works best, but spit, gasoline, or the water in the pan under the fridge will do just fine.

3. Spread cleansing agent liberally on all surfaces. Sure, put it in the toilet, in the sink, and in the shower, but do not forget the mirror, under the sink, the toilet paper roll, or the actual toilet paper. If it has more than two-dimensions, it needs cleaning.

4. Rub vigorously.

5. Rinse with water. This will get rid of the residue and help put out the fires.

There, now the bathroom is perfectly clean. Tip: Be sure to offer the fireman something to drink before they go. They will remember you and be eager to return the next time you clean your bathroom.

Next: The Kitchen and the Conclusion!


Anonymous said...

I find your advice dubious.

Jason Janicki said...

You are wise.