Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Page update schedule.

Page 34 will be posted this Thursday August 24th.
We return to our regular Tuesday/Thursday page update schedule with page 35 on Tuesday August 28th. We'd like to thank everyone out there for their patience while we've been getting our - er - stuff back together. In the mean time here's an image that I've been working on for my brother and sister in law. It's almost done guys - honest! :)

- Leigh


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, steampunk! No doubt the various celestial bodies on that man's jacket signify that he is, indeed, a member of the Royal Astronaut Association. And the pointy-eared woman is obviously a near-human alien who's happily guiding our hero and his mechanical sidekick through the verdant vegetation of her home planet. Right?

shornk said...

Very close gillsing. The Royal Astronaut is a Royal Wizard, (Count) and the pointy eared companion is a Fairy (Druid/Bard). The mechanical sidekick is the Wizards very steampunky farmiliar originally inspired by the 80s film Clash of the Titans.

Good work on the picture Leigh, I just realized I never posted a comment on this.