Sunday, June 29, 2008

I Think Something Melted

Last week was pretty quiet. Blogs were written, a page went up, and the forum was inundated with thoughtful and insightful posts.

No, really.

We are still looking for a colorist, an inker, and a cartoonist. We could also use a masseuse, someone who can rhyme in futhark, and a ferret juggler (either a ferret who juggles or someone who juggles ferrets, we don’t really care).

The only real thing of interest is that the weather decided to make up its mind and went with a ‘death by heat’ theme. It was nearly 90 today, which meant that those of us without AC quickly made friends with those that did. Or we went to the mall, whichever.

I don’t really mind the heat too much. I lived in Fresno for a while, so you kind of get used to sticking to things like car seats, trees, and random livestock. It kind of made me feel nostalgic, like I was back in college, only I didn’t have to eat dorm food.

Anyway, tomorrow, there will be a blog about WoW and murdering animals. Stay tuned.


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