Thursday, October 23, 2008


If you’re a WoW player, go now and become a zombie. I played it for all of 20 minutes today and had an absolute blast!

Here’s how it works: You get infected by a zombie and eventually die. You are then raised as a zombie and can infect others. You get a whole new tool bar of zombie related powers and anyone you infect will become a zombie as well.

You get to Mangle, a slow attack that makes people turn into zombies faster; Retch, a ranged attack to slow people down (‘cause you’re a traditional, slow zombie); and Beckoning Groan, which is used to call NPC zombies to your side. There are a couple others that I haven’t played with, but I’m sure they’re just as fun as the others.

This is amazing amounts of fun. It’s probably the cleverest holiday event ever done, so kudos to the Dev Team for coming up with and implementing it so well.

I know what I’m going to be doing with my Friday night . . .



Anonymous said...

I got shouted at for killing someone in zombie form =( then they wanted me to reinfect them after... gotta love wow curtesies. =(

Jason Janicki said...

Yeah, that event went a little strange. I was all excited about it, but then one of my lowbie alts got griefed and I was a touch mortified. People can be weird, I guess.