Like most Americans, I have a NetFlix account and watch the
occasional movie or binge an entire season of a show because I have no life.
And like most everyone else, I sometimes get messages from NetFlix informing me
of a new show I might be interested in. I will usually glance at the
recommendation and then delete it, but the latest one they sent me gave me
It was for Baby Boss 3.
Now, my NetFlix history looks like I’m a disturbed
thirteen-year-old, with a variety of cartoons, horror movies, the odd
action/kung-fu flick, and documentaries on everything from politics and
economics to medical shows to ‘things found glued to animals.’
I have wide-ranging interests.
So, when Baby Boss 3 crossed my feed, I was kinda irked. I
may watch more cartoons than any three average pre-schoolers put together, but
I watch the good stuff, dammit.
NOTE: I have not actually watched any of the Baby Boss
oeuvre, so I cannot actually pass any sort of judgement on their content. However,
I am fairly certain that even if they’re masterpieces of subtle wit and comedy,
I’m not really interested.
So now, I feel like I have to somehow ‘fix’ my NetFlix
history so it better reflects who I want them to think I am, rather than who I
might actually be. This means a lot of Oscar-nominated movies, high-brow
foreign stuff, and shows that end with everyone dead to show man’s inhumanity
to man.
Yet, in thinking about this, what do I really care? After
all, I’m (arguably) an adult and what I watch is my business. I like cartoons
and animation. This is, after all, why I have NetFlix in the first place. So I
can watch the things that I want when I want and while wearing or not wearing
pants as I see fit.
Am I afraid of what some NetFlix computer thinks of me? No.
Am I afraid of what information the government has on me? KInda,
yes. It’s complicated.
Am I afraid that I’ll bring a date back to my apartment (HA!),
they’ll see my NetFlix recommendations, and think less of me?
Yes, absolutely.
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